virginia beach

Where we call home...

Living a short stroll from the beach we are always on the hunt for our next piece to add to the collection. Whether it's a bright sunny day or just after a storm / hurricane we have found many shards on the coast of the Chesapeake Bay.

great lakes

Where our collection started, one generation ago...

Our grandmother Marian's favorite place is the beach. Growing up our grandmother always took us on walks and showed us the magic of beach combing and finding the buried treasure the sand had to offer. Grandma's collection started many years ago and still continues to this day! Every visit we are out on Lake Erie seaching for those beach jewels!

The pieces we find in the Great Lakes are often smaller but we have found many of our pottery shards on these shores!


Where our very own collector/ designer lives...

Our Alison moved to England to join her UK native husband. This meant new adventures and for VBSG! We have combed the English Channel and our journey won't stop there!

England provides a whole new type of glass find! The pieces tend to be larger in size and much older than the shards we find back in the States.